Nail art designs

Dragon fruit nail art!

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog!

This week’s manicure is a total bomb! I’m so obsessed with these, I can not describe! The manicure I’m about to present you was part of current Instagram nail art challenge organized by Clairestelle8 under #clairestelle8august and obviously the theme was fruit! While other girls were focused on making pineapple, watermelon and strawberries designs, I decided to make something different and unique – the dragon fruit nails!

I like this mani so much because it’s very cute, very summery and neon! It’s been a while since I made a good pink design and I think it was about a time! If you like it, please keep scrolling and see how you can recreate it step by step 🙂



First thing you have to do is paint all of your nails white! After that take a makeup sponge and create this kind of circular gradient on your thumb, index finger and pinky. You will achieve this easily if you simply apply hot pink polish on your sponge and pop just a little bit of white inside! Once you are satisfied with the result, add a thin layer of fast drying and glossy top coat to smooth everything out!

Next step is to take a nail art brush and draw these black seeds – the bigger and the smaller ones inside. Again, apply a glossy top coat and you’re done!

You can definitely stop here if you like, but you know I like my mix and match manicures so I chose to create an interesting french tips on my middle and ring finger using the same hot pink polish! To make it more dragon fruit look a like I also popped a bunch of small black dots aka the seeds! 🙂 This is how everything turned out!


Hopefully you will like this design! Thanks for visiting!



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